공지 |
QSMS Mailing List Registration
qsms | 2021.09.09 | 36686 |
156 |
[QSMS Symplectic geometry seminar-20240822] Outer symplectic billiard
qsms | 2024.08.22 | 131 |
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[QSMS Symplectic geometry seminar-20240812] Exact Lagrangian tori in symplectic Milnor fibers constructed with fillings
qsms | 2024.08.10 | 100 |
154 |
[QSMS Symplectic geometry seminar-20240812] Quantitative Floer theory and coefficients
qsms | 2024.08.03 | 108 |
153 |
[QSMS Symplectic geometry seminar-20240805] Donaldson divisors and spectral invariants
qsms | 2024.08.03 | 121 |
152 |
[QSMS Symplectic topology seminar 2024-07-03] Localized mirror functor and Nakajima quiver varieties
qsms | 2024.07.02 | 14952 |
151 |
[QSMS Representation theory seminar-20240716] Highest weight categories and quasi-hereditary algebras
qsms | 2024.07.02 | 14974 |
150 |
[QSMS Seminar 2024-06-05] Curves, line bundles and Fourier transform
qsms | 2024.06.02 | 14469 |
149 |
[QSMS Monthly Seminar 2024-05-24] Cuspidal subgroups and rational torsion subgroups / Free subgroups generated by Dehn twists and its categorification
qsms | 2024.05.24 | 14326 |
148 |
[QSMS Symplectic topology seminar-20240514] Computing Fukaya categories: Techniques and Examples
qsms | 2024.05.10 | 14211 |
147 |
[QSMS Symplectic topology seminar-20240507] Introduction to triangulated persistence categories
qsms | 2024.05.10 | 14566 |
146 |
[QSMS Monthly Seminar 2024-04-12] Local systems and finite group symmetry in Floer theory / Calabi-Yau structures on Rabinowitz Fukaya categories
qsms | 2024.04.12 | 13806 |
145 |
[QSMS Monthly Seminar 2024-03-22] Lifting problem for universal quadratic forms / Poincare duality in Rabinowitz Floer homology
qsms | 2024.03.22 | 13606 |
144 |
[SNU Topology seminar 2024-03-20] Topology of singularities of complex hypersurfaces / The monodromy conjecture for simplicial nondegenerate singularities
qsms | 2024.03.05 | 13346 |
143 |
[QSMS Representation theory seminar 2024-03-29] Quantum Grothendieck rings of Hernandez-Leclerc Categories
qsms | 2024.03.05 | 14440 |
142 |
[QSMS Representation theory seminar 2024-01-31] Kostant’s problem for Whittaker modules over Lie superalgebras
qsms | 2024.01.18 | 15723 |
141 |
[QSMS-BK21 symplectic semiar] Part 4 (23' Aug 18 ~)
qsms | 2023.12.27 | 19637 |
140 |
[QSMS Representation theory seminar 2023-12-28] Generalized polynomial functors
qsms | 2023.12.15 | 19625 |
139 |
[QSMS Monthly Seminar 2023-12-14] Simple singularity and their friends
qsms | 2023.12.14 | 14721 |
138 |
[QSMS Seminar 2023-12-13] A user’s guide to Schubert calculus of Lagrangian Grassmannians
qsms | 2023.11.27 | 18988 |
137 |
[QSMS Monthly Seminar 2023-11-11] Cluster structures on polygon spaces / From classical to quantum integrability
qsms | 2023.11.10 | 18031 |