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일정시작 2021-01-25
일정종료 2021-01-27
배경색상 #581845

QSMS mini-workshop on number theory and representation theory


Schedule: Jan, 25 (Mon)  ~ 27(Wed), 2021  



Website:  https://sites.google.com/view/qsms2021winter




권재훈 (Seoul National University)

서의린 (Seoul National University)

송아림 (Seoul National University)

우루노 아끼토 (Seoul National University)

이강산 (Seoul National University)

이민 (University of Bristol) 

이석형 (Princeton University)       

이현세 (Seoul National University)

임선희 (Seoul National University)

황준호 (MIT)

허태혁 (Seoul National University)

Alexander Molev (University of Sydney)



김도형 (Seoul National University)

유화종 (Seoul National University)

서의린 (Seoul National University)

권재훈 (Seoul National University)




Jan 25 (Mon)    


10:00 ~ 10:40    이민 (University of Bristol)  -         

                             "Effective equidistribution of rational points on the expanding horospheres"

11:00 - 11:40    이석형 (Princeton University)                         

                             "Parametrizing rings of low rank: cubic ring example"

14:00 - 14:40    임선희 (Seoul National University)

                            "Homogeneous dynamics and Diophantine approximation"


Jan 26 (Tue)     


10:00 - 10:40   이민 (University of Bristol) 

                            "Effective equidistribution of rational points on the expanding horospheres"

11:00 - 11:40   이석형 (Princeton University)

                           "Counting rings of low rank: cubic ring example"

14:00 - 14:40   임선희 (Seoul National University)

                            "Homogeneous dynamics and Diophantine approximation"



10:00 ~ 11:00   서의린 (Seoul National University)                                           

                            "Basic representation theory of vertex operator algebras"

11:20 ~ 12:20   권재훈 (Seoul National University)

                             "Characters for Lie superalgebra and a canonical basis for quantum group"                        

14:00 ~ 14:50   이강산 (Seoul National University)

                           "Examples of vertex operator algebras and their modules"

15:00 ~ 15:50   송아림 (Seoul National University)

                           "Affine W-algebra and its generators"

16:20 ~ 17:10   우루노 아끼또 (Seoul National University)

                           "Algebras and modules"    (Preparatory seminar for Auslander-Reiten transformation and τ-tilting theory)


Jan 27 (Wed)     


10:00 ~ 11:00   황준호 (MIT)

                            "Finiteness criteria for surface group representations"

11:20 ~ 12:20   Alexander Molev (University of Sydney)

                            "Symmetrization map, Casimir elements, and Sugawara operators"


14:00 ~ 15:25   이현세 (Seoul National University)

                           "Quivers and algebras"   (Preparatory seminar for Auslander-Reiten transformation and τ-tilting theory)

15:45 ~ 17:10   허태혁 (Seoul National University)

                           "Representation of quivers"   (Preparatory seminar for Auslander-Reiten transformation and τ-tilting theory)





polyhedra at snu dot ac dot kr



Supported by

QSMS  모듈과 공간의 양자구조 연구센터

NRF 한국연구재단






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