[QSMS-BK21 Symplectic Seminar 28 July] Nonexistence of Exact K(G,1) Lagrangians in Milnor Fibers of Weighted Homogeneous Polynomials / Associative Yang-Baxter Equation and Fukaya Categories

by qsms posted Jul 17, 2023


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일정시작 2023-07-28
배경색상 #7164D0
  • Date:  07-28 (Fri)   10:00 ~ 17:00  
  • Place:  129-309  (SNU)  


  • Speaker:  Yonghwan Kim (SNU)
  • Title:  Nonexistence of Exact K(G,1) Lagrangians in Milnor Fibers of Weighted Homogeneous Polynomials


  • Speaker:  Kyoungmin Rho (SNU)
  • Title:  Associative Yang-Baxter Equation and Fukaya Categories 


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