[QSMS 위상기하 세미나 2021.11.25] Exotic families of Weinstein manifolds with Milnor fibers of ADE types

by qsms posted Nov 19, 2021


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일정시작 2021-11-25
일정종료 2021-11-25
배경색상 #7164D0
  • Date :  11월 25일 (목)   13:30 ~ 15:00  

  • Place : 27동 220호 (서울대학교)

  • Speaker :  이상진 (IBS-CGP)

  • Title :  Exotic families of Weinstein manifolds with Milnor fibers of ADE types

  • Abstract :  
    In this talk, we will discuss a way of constructing diffeomorphic families of different Weinstein manifolds via Lefschetz fibrations. We focus on the construction of an exotic pair (X, Y), where X is the Milnor fiber of A-type on dimension 6. If time allows, we will discuss two generalizations of the construction. One is to consider the case of higher dimensions, and the other is to consider Milner fibers of other types.


This talk is based on joint work with Dongwook Choa (KIAS) and Dogancan Karabas (Northwestern University).