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일정시작 2021-05-11
일정종료 2021-05-11
배경색상 #7164D0

Date:  11 May 16:00 - 17:30  (KST)

Place:  Zoom meeting (ID: 611 507 9832)

Title:  Knotted embeddings

Speaker:  Jean Gutt (Champollion & Toulouse)

I shall discuss a joint result with Mike Usher, showing that many toric domains X in the 4-dimensional euclidean space admit symplectic embeddings f into dilates of themselves which are knotted in the strong sense that there is no symplectomorphism of the target that takes f(X) to X.

List of Articles
번호 제목 글쓴이 날짜 조회 수
공지 QSMS Mailing List Registration qsms 2021.09.09 37503
122 [QSMS Monthly Seminar] Yokonuma Hecke algebras and invariants of framed links qsms 2022.05.27 17565
121 [QSMS Monthly Seminar]Introduction to modular curves and modular forms qsms 2020.12.02 19026
120 [QSMS Monthly Seminiar] Symplectic homology and the McKay correspondence qsms 2021.01.11 18806
119 [QSMS Representation theory seminar - 2023-10-17] A Data-Scientific Approach to Representation Theory: Case Study of Kronecker Coefficients qsms 2023.09.27 21041
118 [QSMS Representation theory seminar 2023-12-28] Generalized polynomial functors qsms 2023.12.15 20236
117 [QSMS Representation theory seminar 2024-01-31] Kostant’s problem for Whittaker modules over Lie superalgebras qsms 2024.01.18 16134
116 [QSMS Representation theory seminar 2024-03-29] Quantum Grothendieck rings of Hernandez-Leclerc Categories qsms 2024.03.05 14747
115 [QSMS Representation theory seminar-20240716] Highest weight categories and quasi-hereditary algebras qsms 2024.07.02 15384
114 [QSMS Representation theory seminar-20241122, 20241129] W-algebras and Quantum affine algebras qsms 2024.10.28 462
113 [QSMS Representation theory seminar-20241202] On finite-dimensional representations of quantum affine superalgebras of type A qsms 2024.11.23 102
112 [QSMS Seminar 14,16 Dec] A brief introduction to differential graded Lie algebras I, II qsms 2021.11.29 18046
111 [QSMS Seminar 2021.07.02] Lefschetz fibrations on cotangent bundles qsms 2021.06.29 59523
110 [QSMS Seminar 2021.08.23, 08.24] Affine PBW bases and affine MV polytopes qsms 2021.08.17 18185
109 [QSMS Seminar 2021.09.30] Schur-Weyl duality, old and new & Quantum symmetric pairs and Schur-type dualities qsms 2021.09.10 18987
108 [QSMS Seminar 2021.10.12, 10.14] Vertex algebras and chiral homology I and II qsms 2021.09.23 17933
107 [QSMS Seminar 2021.10.26, 10.28] Feigin-Semikhatov duality in W-superalgebras qsms 2021.10.13 17852
106 [QSMS Seminar 2022-08-24] Vector bundles and representation theory on a curve qsms 2022.08.13 18061
105 [QSMS Seminar 2022-08-31] Localization of the category of modules over quiver Hecke algebras qsms 2022.08.25 18135
104 [QSMS Seminar 2022-09-27] Categories of Whittaker Modules over Lie superalgebras and Categorification of Fock Spaces qsms 2022.09.20 20170
103 [QSMS Seminar 2022-10-11] (q,t)-Cartan matrix and representation theories related to the specializations of the matrix file qsms 2022.09.18 20084
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