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일정시작 2021-01-08
일정종료 2021-01-08
배경색상 #036eb7

일시: 01월 08일 금요일 오후 2시 ~ 6시 

장소: Zoom Online (Meeting ID: 838 3551 7849 / Passcode: ******)


TiTle: Symplectic homology and the McKay correspondence

Speraker:  강정수 (오후 2시)


I will explain the computation of the symplectic homology of a Euclidean ball and how this idea turns into a symplectic proof of the McKay correspondence. This talk gives a brief overview of the paper “The McKay correspondence via Floer theory” by M. McLean and A. Ritter (arXiv:1802.01534).

Title: Composition tableaux and modules of the 0-Hecke algebra

Speaker: 최승일 (오후 4시)

The 0-Hecke algebra is an interesting object in the combinatorial representation theory of finite-dimensional algebra. The Grothendieck ring of the category of finite-dimensional modules of the 0-Hecke algebra is isomorphic to the ring of quasisymmetric functions. I will review several indecomposable modules of the 0-Hecke algebra arising from composition tableaux whose each characteristic image is a basis of the ring of quasisymmetric functions. And then I will show the recent developments among these modules. If time permits, I will explain a Clifford algebra analog of these modules.



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