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일정시작 2024-12-30
일정종료 2024-12-30
배경색상 #FF5733
  • Date:  2024-12-30 (Mon) 10:30 AM ~ 11:30 AM 
  • Place:  서울대학교 27동 325호
  • Speaker:  박성기 (Princeton)
  • Title:  Hodge symmetries of singular varieties

  • Abstract:

The Hodge diamond of a smooth projective complex variety exhibits fundamental symmetries, arising from Poincaré duality and the purity of Hodge structures. In the case of a singular projective variety, the complexity of the singularities is closely related to the symmetries of the analogous Hodge–Du Bois diamond. For example, the failure of the first nontrivial Poincaré duality is reflected in the defect of factoriality. Based on joint work with Mihnea Popa, I will discuss how local and global conditions on singularities influence the topology of algebraic varieties.

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