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일정시작 2023-12-14
배경색상 #77CC00

2023년 12월 QSMS  Monthly Seminar


  • Date:   Dec. 14th (Fri) 14:30 ~ 17:00
  • Place:  27-220 
  • Contents:


Speaker:  조철현 (서울대)  
Title:  Simple singularity and their friends

Abstract: We give an introductory review on the relationships between simple singularities, finite subgroups of SU(2), and simple Lie algebras, as well as McKay correspondences.


Speaker:  조윤형 (성균관대)
Title:  Unique toric structure on a Fano manifold

 It was conjectured by McDuff that a smooth Fano variety equipped with an anti-canonical Kahler form admits at most one toric structure. In this talk, we prove the conjecture under certain assumptions and also generalize the conjecture to arbitrary symplectic toric manifolds using the notion of mutations of polytopes.


List of Articles
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