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일정시작 2021-05-06
일정종료 2021-05-06
배경색상 #FF5733

Date: 6 May (Thr) 14:30 ~ 15:30

Place: Zoom (ID: 854 1988 1532)

Speaker : 강순이 (강원대학교)

Title: Arithmetic properties of weakly holomorphic modular functions of arbitrary level 



The canonical basis of the space of modular functions on the modular group of genus zero form a Hecke system. From this fact, many important properties of modular functions were derived. Recently, we have proved that the Niebur-Poincare basis of the space of Harmonic Maass functions also forms a Hecke system. In this talk, we show its applications, including divisibility of Fourier coefficients of modular functions of arbitrary level, higher genus replicability, and values of modular functions on divisors of modular forms.

This is a joint work with Daeyeol Jeon and Chang Heon Kim.



cf. 봄학기 정수론 세미나 웹페이지:  https://sites.google.com/view/snunt/seminars

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