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일정시작 2020-07-01
배경색상 #77CC00

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List of Articles
No. Subject Author Date Views
» QSMS Mailing List Registration qsms 2021.09.09 37852
63 [BK21-QSMS Toric Geometry Seminar] The Fredholm regularity of discs qsms 2022.03.14 18314
62 [QSMS Seminar 2022.04.05] Trialities of W-algebras qsms 2022.02.15 18799
61 [QSMS Seminar 2022.03.04 (시간변경)] Introduction to Supersymmetric Field Theories qsms 2022.02.15 18856
60 [BK21-QSMS Toric Geometry Seminar] Moment Polytope qsms 2022.01.03 18566
59 [QSMS Monthly Seminar] Introduction to finite-dimensional representations of quantum affine algebras qsms 2021.12.03 17950
58 [QSMS Seminar 14,16 Dec] A brief introduction to differential graded Lie algebras I, II qsms 2021.11.29 18270
57 [SNU Number Theory Seminar 2021.12.03] Algebraization theorems in complex and non-archimedean geometry qsms 2021.11.19 18449
56 [QSMS 위상기하 세미나 2021.11.25] Exotic families of Weinstein manifolds with Milnor fibers of ADE types qsms 2021.11.19 17972
55 [SNU Number Theory Seminiar 2021.11.12] Moduli of Fontaine-Laffailles and mod-p local-global compatibility file qsms 2021.10.29 19790
54 [QSMS Monthly Seminar] Quantum entanglement entropy in abelian arithmetic Chern-Simons theory qsms 2021.10.29 18379
53 [SNU Number Theory Seminiar 2021.11.05] Bianchi modular symbols and p-adic L-functions qsms 2021.10.20 19191
52 [QSMS Seminar 2021.10.26, 10.28] Feigin-Semikhatov duality in W-superalgebras qsms 2021.10.13 18033
51 [2021 KMS Annual Meeting] Related talks qsms 2021.10.05 18798
50 [QSMS Monthly Seminar] Smoothing of Fano varieties and mutations qsms 2021.09.23 18752
49 [QSMS Seminar 2021.10.12, 10.14] Vertex algebras and chiral homology I and II qsms 2021.09.23 18195
48 [QSMS Seminar 2021.09.30] Schur-Weyl duality, old and new & Quantum symmetric pairs and Schur-type dualities qsms 2021.09.10 19364
47 [SNU Number Theory Seminiar] 2021.10.15 qsms 2021.09.09 20237
46 [QSMS 기하/위상 세미나 2021.09.06] The mirror P=W conjecture from homological mirror symmetry of Fano manifolds qsms 2021.09.03 19305
45 [SNU Number Theory Seminiar] 2021.10.08 qsms 2021.08.23 37864
44 [QSMS Seminar 2021.08.23, 08.24] Affine PBW bases and affine MV polytopes qsms 2021.08.17 18398
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