⋅ 30th-D-10:50 − 11:10 Rigid reflections of rank 3 Coxeter groups and reduced roots of rank 2 Kac-Moody algebras (Jeongwoo Yu, Kyu-Hwan Lee)
⋅ 30th-D-11:10 − 11:30 Super duality for quantum affine algebras of type A (Jae-Hoon Kwon, Sin-Myung Lee)
Applied Algebra
⋅ 29th-A-14:00 − 14:20 A combinatorial realization of Kirillov-Reshetikhin crystals associated with minuscule nodes (Il-Seung Jang)
Floer Theory and Its Application
⋅ 29th-A-12:50 − 13:20 From Morse theory to Floer theory (Jungsoo Kang)
⋅ 29th-B-15:10 − 15:40 Seidel operators in wrapped Floer homology (Myeonggi Kwon, Hanwool Bae)
⋅ 29th-B-15:40 − 16:10 Homological mirror symmetry for invertible curve singularities (Cheol-Hyun Cho, Dongwook Choa, Wonbo Jeong)
⋅ 30th-D-10:50 − 11:20 Maurer-Cartan deformation of a Lagrangian (Hansol Hong)
⋅ 30th-D-11:20 − 11:50 Toric degenerations of certain subvarieties in partial flag varieties (Yoosik Kim, Tsung-Ju Lee, Bong Lian, Charles Wang)
⋅ 30th-D-11:50 − 12:20 Peterson conjecture via Lagrangian correspondences and wonderful compactifications (Hanwool Bae, Naichung Conan Leung)
Invited Lecture
⋅ 30th-O-14:50 − 15:20 [Topology, 2020년도 대한수학회 학술상 수상자] On minimal symplectic fillings of a normal surface singularity (Jongil Park)
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