Date : 2022-08-11 (Thu) 11:00 AM
Place : 27-116 (SNU)
- Speaker : 김윤주 (University of Bonn)
- Title : The dual Lagrangian fibration of hyper-Kähler manifolds
- Abstract :
A (compact) hyper-Kähler manifold X is a higher dimensional generalization of a K3 surface. It is often interesting to study its special morphism X -> B, called a Lagrangian fibration of X. Any Lagrangian fibration of a K3 surface is always "self-dual", so one does not need to worry about how to construct its dual. This is no longer the case for higher-dimensional hyper-Kähler manifolds and their Lagrangian fibrations. In this talk, I will propose a construction for the dual Lagrangian fibration for all currently known examples of hyper-Kähler manifolds.