[QSMS 기하/위상 세미나 2021.09.06] The mirror P=W conjecture from homological mirror symmetry of Fano manifolds

by qsms posted Sep 03, 2021


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일정시작 2021-09-06
일정종료 2021-09-06
배경색상 #7164D0

Date:  9월 6일 (Mon) 14:00 ~ 16:00
Place:  Zoom 
  &   129-406 (SNU)
Speaker:  이석주(U. Penn)
Title:  The mirror P=W conjecture from homological mirror symmetry of Fano manifolds.


The P=W conjecture, originated from non-abelian Hodge theory, has been recently formulated by A.Harder, L.Katzarkov and V.Przyjalkowski in the context of mirror symmetry of log Calabi-Yau manifolds. In particular, if the log Calabi-Yau manifold admits a Fano compactification (X,D) with smooth anti-canonical divisor D, one can study P=W phenomena from a categorical viewpoint under the Fano/Landau-Ginzburg correspondence. In this talk, we will go over this story and generalize to the case where D has more than one component.








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