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일정시작 2021-05-07
일정종료 2021-05-07
배경색상 #036eb7

일시: 05월 7일 금요일 오후 2시 ~ 6시 

장소: 129동 101호


제목:  Recoverable lattices 

연사:  오병권 (서울대학교)


A (positive definite and integral) lattice L is called recoverable if any lattice that represents all proper sublattices of L represents L itself. If there is a lattice M that represents all sublattices of L except for L itself, then L is called irrecoverable and M is called an isolation of L from its sublattices. In this talk, we find some recoverable lattices and various isolations of irrecoverable lattices.


제목:  Toward symplectic geometry of Schubert varieties and cluster varieties

연사:  김유식 (부산대학교)


In this talk, I will discuss some symplectic aspects of Schubert varieties and cluster varieties that arise from representation theory. I will focus on questions that I would like to explore as a QSMS member.






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