[QSMS Monthly Seminar 2024-05-24] Cuspidal subgroups and rational torsion subgroups / Free subgroups generated by Dehn twists and its categorification

by qsms posted May 24, 2024


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일정시작 2024-05-24
배경색상 #036eb7

2024년 05월 QSMS  Monthly Seminar


  • Date:   May 24th (Fri) 14:00 ~ 17:00
  • Place:  27-220 
  • Contents:


Speaker:  유화종 (오후2시)
Title:  Cuspidal subgroups and rational torsion subgroups

Abstract:  We introduce the cuspidal subgroups of the modular Jacobian varieties and their roles in the study of the rational torsion subgroups of the modular Jacobian varieties.



Speaker:  김종명 (오후4시)
Title:  Free subgroups generated by Dehn twists and its categorification

Abstract:  Dehn twists along simple closed curves in a surface are elementary building blocks of the mapping class group. It is known that Dehn twists along curves generate a free subgroup if the curves do not bound a contractible region and every pair of curves intersects more than once. On the other hand, Seidel and Thomas introduced the notion of spherical twists (of a triangulated category) as a categorical analogue of that of Dehn twists. In this talk, I will explain an ongoing project attempting to find a condition which guarantees the freeness of the subgroup generated by spherical twists.




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