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일정시작 2022-01-03
일정종료 2022-01-03
배경색상 #7164D0
  • Date :  1월 3일 (월)   10:00 ~ 17:00  

  • Place :  129동 309호 (서울대학교)

  • Speaker :  손범준  (SNU)

  • Title :   Moment Polytope

  • Abstract :  
    In this seminar, we will study how to understand toric manifold with its associated polytope. More specifically, we will use the moment map as a Morse function on the toric manifold. Next, if time allows, we will study surgeries on toric manifold: symplectic blow-up and symplectic cutting. The main reference of the talk is chapter 3 of Symplectic Toric Manifolds, 2001 by Ana Cannas da Silva.

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