[Seminar 2020.12.23]Machine-learning for mathematics: case study of number fields and elliptic curves

by qsms posted Dec 07, 2020


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일정시작 2020-12-23
배경색상 #FF5733

Place: Zoom online (Meeting ID: 834 5325 6158 / PW: * )

Date: 2020.12.23. AM10

Speaker: 이규환/커넥티컷 대학(University of Connecticut)
Title: Machine-learning for mathematics: case study of number fields and elliptic curves



In this talk, we will consider whether a machine can be trained to recognize patterns in mathematics. As a case study, some basic invariants in number theory such as the class number of a real quadratic field and the rank of an elliptic curve will be tested through machine-learning tools. We will observe that machine-learning classifiers perform surprisingly well with high accuracy (> 0.97).




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