[Seminar 2021.05.18] The coherent-constructible correspondence for toric projective bundles

by qsms posted May 17, 2021


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일정시작 2021-05-18
일정종료 2021-05-18
배경색상 #7164D0

Date:  18 May 14:00 - 15:30  

Place:  129동 406호    또는    Zoom(ID:  826 5708 3172)

Title:  The coherent-constructible correspondence for toric projective bundles

Speaker:  서평원 (Northwestern University)


This talk is about the Coherent-Constructible Correspondence (CCC). CCC is a version of homological mirror symmetry for toric varieties. It equates the derived category of coherent sheaves on a
toric variety and the category of constructible sheaves on a torus that satisfy some condition on singular support. Harder-Katzarkov conjectured that there should be a version of CCC for toric fiber
bundles, not only for a single toric variety. They formulated and proved their conjecture for toric P^1-bundles. I will explain how we can prove (half of) their conjecture for P^n-bundles. If time permits, I will show one way to formulate the conjecture for arbitrary toric fiber bundles.






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