Notice |
QSMS Mailing List Registration
qsms | 2021.09.09 | 37547 |
122 |
[QSMS Seminar 2021.07.02] Lefschetz fibrations on cotangent bundles
qsms | 2021.06.29 | 59549 |
121 |
[사교위상 초청강연 2021.07.16] Categorical entropy and symplectic geometry
qsms | 2021.07.05 | 19120 |
120 |
[정수론 집중강연 2021.08.03, 08.05] Geometric approaches to the local Langlands correspondence I-IV
qsms | 2021.07.29 | 19122 |
119 |
[QSMS Seminar 2021.08.23, 08.24] Affine PBW bases and affine MV polytopes
qsms | 2021.08.17 | 18200 |
118 |
[SNU Number Theory Seminiar] 2021.10.08
qsms | 2021.08.23 | 37678 |
117 |
[QSMS 기하/위상 세미나 2021.09.06] The mirror P=W conjecture from homological mirror symmetry of Fano manifolds
qsms | 2021.09.03 | 19093 |
116 |
[SNU Number Theory Seminiar] 2021.10.15
qsms | 2021.09.09 | 20052 |
115 |
[QSMS Seminar 2021.09.30] Schur-Weyl duality, old and new & Quantum symmetric pairs and Schur-type dualities
qsms | 2021.09.10 | 19057 |
114 |
[QSMS Seminar 2021.10.12, 10.14] Vertex algebras and chiral homology I and II
qsms | 2021.09.23 | 17999 |
113 |
[QSMS Monthly Seminar] Smoothing of Fano varieties and mutations
qsms | 2021.09.23 | 18403 |
112 |
[2021 KMS Annual Meeting] Related talks
qsms | 2021.10.05 | 18655 |
111 |
[QSMS Seminar 2021.10.26, 10.28] Feigin-Semikhatov duality in W-superalgebras
qsms | 2021.10.13 | 17870 |
110 |
[SNU Number Theory Seminiar 2021.11.05] Bianchi modular symbols and p-adic L-functions
qsms | 2021.10.20 | 19009 |
109 |
[QSMS Monthly Seminar] Quantum entanglement entropy in abelian arithmetic Chern-Simons theory
qsms | 2021.10.29 | 18101 |
108 |
[SNU Number Theory Seminiar 2021.11.12] Moduli of Fontaine-Laffailles and mod-p local-global compatibility
qsms | 2021.10.29 | 19486 |
107 |
[QSMS 위상기하 세미나 2021.11.25] Exotic families of Weinstein manifolds with Milnor fibers of ADE types
qsms | 2021.11.19 | 17830 |
106 |
[SNU Number Theory Seminar 2021.12.03] Algebraization theorems in complex and non-archimedean geometry
qsms | 2021.11.19 | 18201 |
105 |
[QSMS Seminar 14,16 Dec] A brief introduction to differential graded Lie algebras I, II
qsms | 2021.11.29 | 18075 |
104 |
[QSMS Monthly Seminar] Introduction to finite-dimensional representations of quantum affine algebras
qsms | 2021.12.03 | 17804 |
103 |
[BK21-QSMS Toric Geometry Seminar] Moment Polytope
qsms | 2022.01.03 | 18334 |