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일정시작 2022-08-24
일정종료 2022-08-24
배경색상 #77CC00


  • Date :  2022-08-24 (Wed) 10:00 AM

  • Place :  129-406 (SNU)

  • Speaker :  문한봄 (Fordham University)
  • Title :  Vector bundles and representation theory on a curve
  • Abstract :

Many classical constructions in representation theory can be extended to vector bundles on algebraic curves. The classical Borel-Weil theorem on the geometric description of irreducible representations of simple algebraic groups has been extended to this setting by Teleman. I will introduce algebraic vector bundles and Borel-Weil-Bott-Teleman theory. Then I will describe its consequences on the derived category of the moduli space of vector bundles on a curve and the Fano visitor problem of Jacobian varieties. This is ongoing joint work with Kyoung-Seog Lee. 




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