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일정시작 2021-09-24
일정종료 2021-09-24
배경색상 #036eb7

Date :  Sep. 24. 2021 

Place :  SNU


Speaker :  조윤형(SKKU)

TItle : Smoothing of Fano varieties and mutations



Let X be a smooth Fano variety. It was conjectured that if Y and Z are two Q-Gorenstein toric Fano varieties having the same good smoothing X, then Y and Z are related by a sequence of mutations. In this seminar, we discuss the case when X is a projective plane or a full flag variety (if time permits). 



Speaker:  김영훈(QSMS)

Title: Quasisymmetric functions, noncommutative symmetric functions, and  weak Bruhat interval modules of 0-Hecke algebras



Symmetric functions have two generalizations: quasisymmetric functions and noncommutative symmetric functions. In 1996, Duchamp et al. introduced representation theoretical interpretations of these functions in terms of 0-Hecke algebras. In this talk, I will first explain these interpretations and related results. Then, I will introduce weak Bruhat interval modules of 0-Hecke algebras and their structural properties.




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