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일정시작 2021-12-14
일정종료 2021-12-16
배경색상 #77CC00
반복주기 2
반복단위 1.일(단위)
  • Date :  12월 14일(화), 16일(목) 16:00-17:30

  • Place : Zoom  (ID:  642 675 5874)

  • Speaker :  조창연 (QSMS, SNU)

  • Title :   A brief introduction to differential graded Lie algebras I, II

  • Abstract :  The importance of differential graded Lie algebras goes back at least to Quillen’s rational homotopy theory, which also motivated their applications to deformation theory. Later, such an idea was developed further by Deligne, Drinfeld, and Feigin, and influenced many including Kontsevich and Soibelman. The purpose of these talks is to give a short introduction to the notion of differential graded Lie algebras and its relationship to deformation theory. These talks are intended to be an elementary introduction to the subject, but due to the current nature of it, I’ll say something about the theory of infinity-categories. The first talk will be devoted to exploring some of the fundamentals of differential graded Lie algebras and infinity-categories, and the application to deformation theory will be covered in the later half of the second talk. 


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