[QSMS Seminar 2022-08-31] Localization of the category of modules over quiver Hecke algebras

by qsms posted Aug 25, 2022


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일정시작 2022-08-31
일정종료 2022-08-31
배경색상 #77CC00
  • Date :  2022-08-31 (Wed) 11:00 ~ 12:00
  • Place :  129-406 (SNU)

  • Speaker :  김명호 (경희대학교)
  • Title :  Localization of the category of modules over quiver Hecke algebras
  • Abstract :

For each w in the Weyl group, there is a subcategory C_w of the category of finite-dimensional modules over the quiver Hecke algebra, which categorifies the (quantum) coordinate ring of the unipotent subgroup N(w). More precisely, there exists a ring isomorphism from the coordinate ring C[N(w)] to the Grothendieck ring of C_w  and it sends a cluster monomial to an isomorphism class of simple modules in C_w. It is known that the localization of the C[N(w)] via the frozen variables is isomorphic to the coordinate ring C[N_w] of the unipotent cell N_w. 
 We develop a localization process of a k-linear abelian monoidal category via a family of simple objects and apply it to the case of category C_w with the simple modules corresponding to frozen variables.  It turns out that the Grothendieck ring of the localization of C_w is isomorphic to the coordinate ring C[N_w] of the unipotent cell and it respects cluster algebra structures. A remarkable fact is that any object in the localization of C_w admits a left dual and a right dual. This corresponds to an algebra automorphism on C[N_w], so called the (quantum) twist map.







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