Notice |
QSMS Mailing List Registration
qsms | 2021.09.09 | 37881 |
43 |
[SNU Number Theory Seminar 20220321, 0322, 0324] Three lectures on the Eisenstein ideal
qsms | 2022.03.19 | 18203 |
42 |
[QSMS Seminar 2021.10.12, 10.14] Vertex algebras and chiral homology I and II
qsms | 2021.09.23 | 18203 |
41 |
[QSMS Monthly Seminar] Quantization of integrable differential difference equations
qsms | 2022.04.22 | 18180 |
40 |
[Seminar 2020.12.29] Zeta함수와 L함수에 대한 역사적 고찰VI
qsms | 2020.12.28 | 18170 |
39 |
[QSMS Monthly Seminar 2022-12-02] Extended crystal structures of Hernandez-Leclerc categories
qsms | 2022.12.02 | 18072 |
38 |
[SNU Number Theory Seminar 2022-06-03] The Coleman conjecture on circular distributions and the equivariant Tamagawa Number conjecture
qsms | 2022.05.18 | 18051 |
37 |
[QSMS Seminar 2021.10.26, 10.28] Feigin-Semikhatov duality in W-superalgebras
qsms | 2021.10.13 | 18042 |
36 |
[QSMS 위상기하 세미나 2021.11.25] Exotic families of Weinstein manifolds with Milnor fibers of ADE types
qsms | 2021.11.19 | 17981 |
35 |
[QSMS Monthly Seminar] Introduction to finite-dimensional representations of quantum affine algebras
qsms | 2021.12.03 | 17961 |
34 |
[QSMS Monthly Seminar 2022-10-28] Oscillator representations of quantum affine algebras
qsms | 2022.10.30 | 17923 |
33 |
[QSMS-BK21 Seminar] Past seminars
qsms | 2022.08.26 | 17903 |
32 |
[QSMS Monthly Seminar] Yokonuma Hecke algebras and invariants of framed links
qsms | 2022.05.27 | 17831 |
31 |
[QSMS Geometry Seminar 20221230] Morphism spaces between coisotropic A-branes
qsms | 2022.12.27 | 17752 |
30 |
[QSMS Seminar 2022-10-25] Rational liftings and gRSK
qsms | 2022.10.08 | 17261 |
29 |
[QSMS Seminar 2022-12-2] N=2 supersymmetric W algebras from Hamiltonian reduction
qsms | 2022.11.25 | 17171 |
28 |
[QSMS 집중강연 Representation theory 2023-02-07] Mini-course on quantum symmetric pairs I
qsms | 2023.01.03 | 17116 |
27 |
[SNU Number Theory Seminar 2 June] A refined Tamagawa number conjecture for modular forms
qsms | 2023.04.20 | 16865 |
26 |
[QSMS Monthly Seminar 2023-04-21] Lagrangian submanifolds and their Legendrian lifts
qsms | 2023.04.21 | 16657 |
25 |
[QSMS-BK21 Symplectic Seminar 9 June] Physical Aspects of the Calegaro System / Introduction to BV Formalism
qsms | 2023.06.26 | 16484 |
24 |
[QSMS Representation theory seminar 2024-01-31] Kostant’s problem for Whittaker modules over Lie superalgebras
qsms | 2024.01.18 | 16409 |