[QSMS Monthly Seminar] Symmetric functions and super duality

by qsms posted May 28, 2021


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일정시작 2021-05-28
배경색상 #036eb7

Date: 5월28일 금요일, 2021년

Place: 129동


Title:  Symmetric functions and super duality

Speaker: 권재훈 교수(SNU)



The ring of symmetric functions is an object which has a close connection with the representations of Lie algebras and symmetric groups. In this talk, we give a categorical interpretation of the involution on the ring of symmetric functions, more precisely in terms of super duality.



Title: Cluster category

Speaker: 조철현 교수 (SNU)



We give a basic introduction to cluster category theory, and find analogy with symplectic geometry of singularities.



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