[SNU Number Theory Seminiar] 2021.10.08

by qsms posted Aug 23, 2021


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일정시작 2021-10-08
일정종료 2021-10-08
배경색상 #FF5733
  • Date: 10월 8일 (금)  5:00 PM,  Zoom  (ID:  890 5186 3297    PW:  171320)

  • Speaker: Ben Kane (University of Hong Kong)

  • Title: Moments of class numbers and distributions of traces of Frobenius in arithmetic progressions

  • Abstract:

    In this talk, we will show how to use techniques from the theory of non-holomorphic modular forms to study moments of Hurwitz class numbers (of binary quadratic forms) with an application to studying the distribution of normalized trace of Frobenius on elliptic curves when the trace is restricted to a fixed arithmetic progression. This is joint work with Kathrin Bringmann and Sudhir Pujahari.

  • Ref. SNU Number Theory Seminar  - Link



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